Berta Ibáñez
.H.A.N.D.S. is a photographic project born in the year of the pandemic. In its origin there are two essential elements: on the one hand, the continuous search for experimentation with the technique of cyanotype using non-conventional supports, and on the other hand, the need to work on an issue rooted in the current global context generated by Covid-19. Physical contact has become a risk, but also a huge lack. Caresses, kisses, hugs, and a simple handshake are forbidden. I started by photographing the hands of my close friends and while I was doing it I thought about all the friendly hands that I can no longer touch. I invited my distant friends and family to send me photographs of their hands, those hands that were there at some point to help me, accompany me, caress me, support me, comfort me... I transform the collected photographs into negatives and then print them in small cardboard boxes that I reuse. Why not use the paper that already exists and is there, just ready for the trash? Because the pandemic has also learned that we must change our consumption habits now, without waiting.